CTV in South Africa > Tyson Goldsack reflects on the Cape Town community camp
CTV in South Africa > Alan Richardson discusses the coaching seminar

Following Collingwood's two-and-a-half week high-altitude training camp in South Africa, a group of eleven players and two coaches stayed on to conduct the club's AFL Telstra community camp in Cape Town.

On day one development manager Alan Richardson and physio Rob Hunt held a coaching seminar for about 50 local volunteer AFL coaches, while the players hosted a super clinic for about 400 school children from the region.

That night the group travelled to a lookout high above Cape Town to view the magnificent city below and the surrounding Table Top Mountain.

View images below. All images copyright collingwoodfc.com.au.

The players are introduced to some of the clinic participants at Khayelitsha Oval

Enthusiastic young AFL players

Tyson Goldsack supervises a handball drill

One of the volunteer coaches is proud to be sporting the same shoes as Harry O'Brien

Harry O'Brien and Ryan Lonie oversee a very entertaining tackle bag exercise

A view of the clinic with the stunning surrounding Cape Town mountain range in the background

Toby Thoolen and Luke Casey-Leigh take the reins of a group

Sean Rusling, Brodie Holland and Chris Dawes in the middle of a pack of locals

Tyson Goldsack loving it

Toby Thoolen looks out over Cape Town way below

Chris Dawes, Simon Prestigiacomo, Ryan Lonie and Kevin Dyas with Cape Town's Table-Top Mountain in the background

Alan Richardson and Rob Hunt introduce themselves to the volunteer coaches

Once outside, Richardson displays some finer points of gathering and handballing

Rob Hunt instructs the coaches on handballing

The group of coaches at the conclusion of the session