Earliest football memory: Playing kick to kick on South Mildura Oval at half-time of the senior game in the early ‘80s

Best mark you’ve taken at any level of football: Junior footy at Mayne in Queensland in under-14s or under-15s. Jumped on an opposition player and took a ride. I was so high my ears developed frost bite

Best goal: 2001 against the Bulldogs. Kicked left-foot goal from 65 metres out and it cleared the fence. One of those days

Where were you on the day you were drafted: I was pre-selected in priority pick system. I was probably at school

The hardest part of pre-season training: Contact drills

Favourite training drill: Goalkicking

What’s the best decision you have made on the football field: Don’t handball or kick short inside 80m

If you could play another professional sport, it would be: F1 driver

Sports teams you support (non-AFL): NY Yankees, Manchester United, Ferrari

Something people would be surprised to learn about you: I am able to be a Canadian citizen and passport holder - it’s a long story

Life motto: Talent and persistence will in most cases produce success

What dish would you serve on MasterChef: Chicken fettuccine

The furthest you have been from home: London and New York

Most environmentally conscious teammate: Mitch Hahn

Teammate most likely to Google his own name: Shaun Higgins

Teammate most likely to go into politics after football: Robert Murphy

What rules you more - your heart or your head: Head

Do you prefer a planned event or an unplanned event: Planned

The last concert you went to: Justin Timberlake - the man can move

Your favourite cricketer: Curtley Ambrose

French fries or wedges: Wedges

Speedos or boardshorts: Boardshorts

What’s on your iPod: Everything - old, R&B, pop