David Neitz loves a good book, and this week had the chance to put his enjoyment of reading to the best possible use by officially launching the 2007 MS Readathon.

David challenged young readers to get involved, saying, ‘Reading and raising money for an important cause is the perfect combination. All kids should register and read as much as they can during the month of June.’

For the first time in the program’s 28 year history, participants will be able to earn sponsorship for the amount of time they spend reading in June, which means they won’t be restricted to books only. All kinds of reading counts in 2007, whether children are reading magazines, novels, comics, newspapers or websites, or even if they’re being read to by someone else.

Every minute of reading in June counts, every book read in June counts, and every dollar raised counts for people living with Multiple Sclerosis.

The MS Readathon encourages children to read books, to learn about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and raise funds to help Australians living with MS. In 2006, 56,383 children completed the program, collectively raising $4.3 million for MS Australia.

Registrations are now open. Students of all ages are being inspired to join the fun and excitement of the MS Readathon, and ‘Read for a Reason’.

If you would like more information regarding the MS Readathon, please visit the website at www.msreadathon.org.au