Last night the Sydney Swans arrived in Hawaii on the last leg of their hectic tour of the west coast of the United States of America.

With the size of the contingent, the touring party of about one hundred was split up into two groups with the players arriving earlier in the day and the coaches and supporters landing at Waikiki later that night.

On Thursday morning local time the players trained at the University of Hawaii for a full two-hour session which according to Swans Elite Performance Manager David Misson went extremely well.

“While it is certainly a different preparation for the season we have not struck too many problems despite all of the travel,” Misson told from Hawaii.

“We have been able to get all of the necessary work into the players that have needed it and those on more restricted programs have not been impacted upon at all by the travel.

“So we are certainly on target.”

Tomorrow morning the players have their final weights session of the USA tour, down on the beach at Waikiki before jetting back to Sydney on Saturday morning (Sunday Sydney time).