Missed something on afc.com.au during the week? 

Here’s a rundown of the news and events at the Club over the past seven days...

Click on a headline to read more.

New Crows arrive

Interstate recruits Brad Crouch and Sam Kerridge arrived for their first day of training on Monday.

Numbers for newest recruits

Cam Ellis-Yolmen, Mitch Grigg, Nick Joyce and Sam Kerridge have moved into their new lockers.

Injury no longer Talia’s Achilles heel

Defender Daniel Talia is optimistic revolutionary surgery will help him overcome an Achilles injury

New strength coach Nick Poulos wins top award

New strength and conditioning coach Nick Poulos earns plaudits ahead of his arrival in Adelaide

Crows set for Carols

The players are getting in the festive spirit ahead of the Crows Foundation Christmas Carols on Tuesday, December 13.

Rookie Martyn back after clot scare

Sam Martyn was required to have a rib removed after developing a blood clot in his neck 

Behind Crows Doors

Patty Dangerfield’s ponytail makes the cut in the second instalment of Behind Crows Doors

Fans share love of Crows on Facebook

Fans take to Facebook to tell why they love the Club