From 1:30pm yesterday until 9am this morning, fans had the opportunity to post a question for Luke Parker via

Luke will answer a selection of your questions later in the week, with the answers to be posted in a separate article. Thanks everyone for getting your questions in.

You can see what the fans asked Luke below:

Terry Cunningham
Hey Luke great game - like your hardness at the ball and the one percenters such as that great shepherd to let Goodsy through for a goal.  Your powerfull body a bit like Josh Kenneddy's is perfect for the close in hard stuff.  Do you keep that nice "rack" in good shape with plenty of gym work?
Frank grimes
do you enjoy singing songs on your guitar to your girlfriend?
Lord Feldspar
Hi Luke,
How has the transition been into senior footy? Do you look up to anyone in particular at the footy club?
Phillip Tran
Hi Luke, you are going to be an absolutely star in the future!
Growing up as a young kid, when did you started playing AFL and who inspired you to become a footballer?
Sophie C
Hi Luke what nickname do you get around the club and whats one thing you miss from home?
Hi Luke,
Seeing you are number 26, you are obviously locker neighbours with Ted. Just wondering whether he is annoying to be next to.. Do you have Wisp's in your locker too?
Hey Luke,
Very impressed with your composure at the top level. It looks like you're capable of taking some real hangers, do you see yourself as a high flyer, or do you prefer the in and under side of the game?
Daniel Turner
Hi Luke,
Just like to start by saying that you have a striking resemblance to a young Jesse McCartney.
Now for the question: who did you support in the AFL as a child?
danny g
Hey luke , how did it feel getting drafted to the swans and how did you find out and the word out is you have the biggest biceps at the club ?
Hey Luke,
Congratulations on an outstanding performance on Saturday night. You remind me a lot of Jude, the way you crash into packs and are able to win contested ball with such ease. Your peroxide blond hair is similar to a young Jude too I must say... have there been any players that you've watched and have tried to model your game upon theirs?
Also, who have you become good mates with around the club since your arrival? Do you stick with the other young boys or get around the older fellas?
Wayne from Hamlton
How much difference is there in your fitness level this season, compared to playing in the under-18 competition? Does it take much out of your body to reach the fitness level required to play AFL?
Wayne from Hamilton
Hey Luke. Great performance on the weekend. The way you play is similar to that of Jude Bolton and Brett Kirk. Are you trying to develop into the likes of these players, being a hard, strong midfielder with ferocious attack on the ball and work tirelessly in and under contests?

Nathan from Eastlakes
Do you ever use your talents on the guitar to serenade the ladies?
Shaun from Perth
Is it true you rate your rig amongst the best at the Club? What is your top 5 riglist?
Brian from Cremorne
Hi Luke, i've noticed that you have a really toned upper body, but your legs don't seem in proporation and have little definition. Is this a problem for you?
Hey Luke, thought you played really well on the weekend. Was it tough knowing you had to fill the role of Jude Bolton, one of the Swans most important players? or did you just want to focus on playing your own game?