In a sign of true passion and generosity, North Melbourne supporters have the club on track to break through the quarter of a million dollar mark on its Box On tally.

The new figure of $225,725 has just been posted on the dedicated website, stunning Chairman James Brayshaw.

“We are simply overwhelmed but by no means surprised. North Melbourne people have reacted to this campaign in the best possible way and despite Christmas being just around the corner, they have opened their wallets and contributed toward debt.

“I can honestly say and always have said; our supporters are the best in the land.”

The new total leaves just over $24,000 to go until the $250,000 milestone is reached.

“We have some great initiatives planned for the coming months and will keep with the theme of giving something back to our loyal fans. Like we stated from the outset, this is not about just accepting money for our debt. We want our people to invest in success, but more importantly, be a part of the success we will have.”

Part of the plan involves Premiership Pledge packages which give members access to Grand Final tickets for the next five years should North be good enough to make it.

“To think that we are close to breaking through a quarter of a million dollar barrier after launching this campaign just a week ago is staggering and really goes to show how much people love this great club.”

At the time of the announcement, the club’s debt sat at $5 million.

“The fantastic boxing Kangaroo has struck a chord with our supporters and many are asking if they can buy t-shirts and merchandise with the logo. That’s something we are looking at and don’t worry, we are doing everything we can to reduce debt in order to return this club to premiership glory.

“So, I say to our members; stay tuned for more announcements in the coming weeks and I also want to send out a big thank you to those who have already contributed, and to those who are planning to in the near future.”

Click here to visit the Box On website