From 10am yesterday until 9am this morning, fans had the opportunity to post a question for Swans midfielder Josh Kennedy via

Josh will answer a selection of your questions later in the week, with the answers to be posted in a separate article. Thanks everyone for getting your questions in.

You can see what the fans asked Josh below:

Julie on 8:26 AM Tuesday, 31 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh, I hear you live with Mummy {Shane Mumford}, do you share jobs to do around the house?

Bryan on 8:21 AM Tuesday, 31 May 2011 said:
Gday Joey, With all the jokes about Luke Parker's man-child body, I was wondering if you had a man-child body yourself when you were playing junior footy. Also did you play key position much in juniors?

Nancy on 10:09 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
When are we going to see more entries in the JPK files? And will they be funnier than the Richards report?

Kim on 10:02 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
What are some of your favourite recreational activities besides AFL?

Terry Cunningham on 10:01 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh congrats on your great play for the Swannies since comming over from the Hawks. Are you enjoying your on the ball role - you seem to be made for that position?

grace on 9:43 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh, in light of the Lions recent improved performance since Johnathan Brown's comeback, will the Swans gameplan be adjusted to neutralise Johnathan's influence?...Great to have you on board!

Kevin G on 8:29 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Congrats for having enough courage to move to Sydney. With yourself, Jude and the other mid fielders I thought we had a pretty handy mid field, but over the last 2 matches we have got smash at centre clearances. Why do you think this has happen? Could it be because Mummy has been injured or not playing?

Steph M on 6:48 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
What were your impressions of the Swans when you were at Hawthorn? What has surprised you most about being part of the club generally?

Thanks for coming to the Swans - Love having the Powerball in the team!

Tommy Lim on 5:52 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey Josh, what was both your granddad and father's reaction when they discovered you left a club where both of them left lasting impressions?

Sharron on 5:50 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh, some other players have had trouble adjusting to life/footy in Sydney away from families and the opportunities in Melbourne, how have you found the change and can we convince you to be a swan for life?

Kellie on 5:34 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh, who is the biggest pest around the club?

Sigourney Byrnieses on 4:17 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi josh, i was just wondering after being nominated in cleo's bachelor of year do u think u are one of the swans best looking men if not, who do u think is. Also, who is longmires favorite out of the playing group?

James Booth on 4:10 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey Josh, just wondering how you have found the transition from playing football in Victoria, to playing football in Sydney? Do you have a particular pre-game or post-game ritual or routine you go by each week? If so, what is it?

Ava on 4:03 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh. Do you have any leadership ambitions at the club? Also, do you have a mentor? Good luck for season 2011.

Danza on 4:01 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh, who do you model yourself on in playing footy?

Phillip Tran on 4:00 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
I love your hard style of footy, just like Jude Bolton. Being tough and taking the game on is what our mighty Swans is capable of. My question is, do you have a role model? Who do you look up to the most, and why? It could be anyone such as your current team mates, a sport star, or perhaps a former captain of the Swans like Brett Kirk? Enjoy football, and good luck against the lions!

Heather on 1:37 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
You and the team made plenty of supporters very happy by fighting it out with guts and determination v North on Saturday - where do the Swans have improve to match it with the formidable Collingwood and Geelong? Many regard these teams as 2011 grand finalists, already!

Peter Harris on 12:29 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh, Has your game changed much coming from the Hawks to the Swans?

Luke on 12:05 PM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey Josh, How does it feel to be part of a team that holds the most intelligent player in the AFL, being Super Ted Richards?

Xav on 11:56 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh,Having so many Old Xavier boys up in the club, did it make the transition to Sydney easier? And is there some ribbing behind the scenes with Ryan O'Keefe and those sorts of blokes who have played APS footy?

Chris E on 11:48 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey josh, i'm loving having you and the other former hawk ben mcglynn at the club, and really excited about the swans future! i'm even driving up to sydney from melbourne to watch the swannies against richmond. who are the people you get along with the most? and who's the player that has the brightest future in your opinion?

josh carroll on 11:32 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey joshie boy great to have the same name as you wat has it been like moving from Hawthorn and is there any players there u miss?

Matt4swans on 11:24 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey swans superstar joey kennedy. How are you ejoying the lifestyle in the harbour city and do you enjoy being out of the spotlight of melbourne?

matthew on 11:18 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey joey. well done on a great career so far at the swans. Is your family finally coming around to you playing footy at the swans and maybe even supporting half the swannnies? cheers

Nick on 11:18 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey Joey, Notwithstanding the rubbish weather in Sydney right now, what do you enjoy most about living up here? Also, who are your best mates around the club?

matt#goswans on 11:14 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey josh. congragulations on your great form since coming to the swans. what is the main thing that you put it down to for playing so much better at the swannies than hawthorn? and You must be very happy seeing that before you were a player that could bearly get a game at hawthorn to one of the swans best midfielders?

Gemma on 11:05 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Must of been a dissapointment not winning cleo bachelor of the year (i did vote for you). so was wondering are you still single after all the extra attention?

Cam on 10:37 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hey Josh, The Swans effective disposals seem to be down a lot on last year, why do you think this is the case?

Robert boyd on 10:35 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
With some goals just getting enough distance from the arms of defenders on the goal line, why dont players lift team mates up like rugby line outs to touch the ball?

Matty P on 10:33 AM Monday, 30 May 2011 said:
Hi Josh, Well done on a great win against North Melbourne? How have you found your move from the Hawks to the mighty Swans and Sydney lifestyle? & Who are your closest mates around the club? Hope you smash the lions this week!! Go the Bloods!!