The annual Family Fun Day was again a huge success with more than 2000 members heading to Adventure World today to escape the heat and enjoy a day of sunshine.

With the mercury hitting 30 degrees the speed slides, waterslides and pools were the most popular attractions and the most fun seemed to be had by the members who were prepared to take on the players on the Aqua Racer.

The competition for the title of the speed slide champion on the Aqua Racer was fierce, with Des Headland, Brett Peake, Byron Schammer and Marcus Drum given a run for their money by the members and there were some impressive battles fought out throughout the morning.

Luke McPharlin, Josh Head and Heath Black were also eager to battle it out against the waterslide fans on Water Mountain. After plenty of fun was had on the tubes and the mats, Jeff Farmer was unanimously crowned king of Water Mountain!

But not all the fun was to be had in the water! The players were scattered right throughout the theme park with Roger Hayden, Rhys Palmer and Ryan Crowley setting the pace on the Grand Prix Race Track against the motoring enthusiasts.

The main stage and lawn area was also a hype of activity with lots of games, activities and giveaways organised for the children, which also gave the club’s sponsors an opportunity to get involved.

LG Electronics had product demonstrations, Mazda proudly showed off its new Mazda 6, Coca-Cola ran handball competitions and had plenty of giveaways, Integrated distributed blow up anchors, Marine & Civil provided showbags with a cap, sunscreen and a frizbee, Fonterra handed out CalciYum products and the HBA mascot was also on hand to give out brochures.

As always, the autograph signing tent proved popular with the members and supporters seeking out their favourite players for a signature.

All in all it was a successful day and everyone enjoyed the fun and activities at Adventure World, with a bit of Fremantle flavour.