The three year term of the current board of directors of the Geelong Football Club concludes at the annual general meeting (AGM) on 20 December 2010.

Nominations for the seven positions on the board closed on Monday 22 November 2010. Ten nominations were received from the following nominees:

Nicholas Carr*
Diana Taylor*
Gareth Andrews*
Bob Gartland*
Hugh Seward*
Peter Burnett
John Weste
Colin Carter*
Helen Timmins
Alistair Hamblin*

* indicates current director seeking re-election or election

Current board members Frank Costa and Cambell Neal are retiring and are therefore not seeking re-election.

A postal ballot will be held to determine the board. Ballot papers will be mailed to eligible voting members on Wednesday 1 December 2010. Voting will close at 5pm on Friday 17 December 2010.

The result of the election will be announced at the club’s AGM at 7pm on 20 December 2010 in the Fred Flanagan room, Ford Stand, Skilled Stadium.