READERS of have responded to managing editor Geoff Slattery's defence of the opinion piece written by Jason Phelan.

Courageous journalism

I read the initial article on Tom Scully and GWS and found it fair, as well as a good article.
I (like most people) don't commonly think of the pressures and conflicts that exist within journalism, but have become more aware of this recently.
The response you posted on the AFL website, Fair comment, well placed, was informative, courageous, honest and full of integrity.
I found it encouraging to read, and amongst the criticism, please know there are others who applaud fair and honest journalism.
Christopher Mann

Keep pushing the boundary
Great to read this, and having learnt there is a new structure and process to the site, makes sense. In previous years, I have found the site to be less relevant and more PR, and subsequently used other websites to gain more editorial content.

Reading the article on Scully, I was quite pragmatic in my opinions of it. I thought 'what is the AFL putting this up for?' (yes, I know it’s the opinion of the author), but at the same time, 'nice to see edgy subject material that isn't generic PR crap'.

Keep pushing the boundary. Always be relevant, and give people what they want.


Poor research
As editor, I would ask you to direct me to any "opinion" piece that has come under the banner that addresses any major issue other than Jason Phelan’s ill conceived and poorly researched article on the Tom Scully issue.

The first part of his opinion piece can be debated but to try and compare  Gary Ablett, coming up to his 10th season, two premierships and a Brownlow and all the other Gold Coast signings with a second year player and point out how Geelong have handled the loss - how could a reasonable person compare the  situations?

Then asking us to  hark back to Jeff White’s departure to Melbourne ... is not opinion - it is fact - he was homesick and was coming back to Melbourne - everything afterwards is after the fact. Whether it was Melbourne, Geelong or whoever, Jeff White was coming back to Melbourne.
Jeff Robinson

Great work
I have read your article today Fair comment, well placed.  I think the website is doing a great job.  I love the articles and check in on the website on an almost daily basis (part of my news browsing). 

I would like to see on the website a statistical database [and a] place to find out who are the uncontracted players (potential targets for GWS and other future expansions) and how long they have left to run on their current contract.


What goes around...
We look forward to one of the AFL's fearless web reporters being even mildly critical of GC and GWS, and of offering a view that welcomes loyalty, deplores the loophole that encourages GWS to use their massive salary cup concessions to pay money generated by all the other clubs to poach players who have not played 50 games.

We also look forward to the AFL welcoming other clubs raiding GWS in a few years when young players have got sick of living in Sydney's west playing in losing sides in front of a few hundred spectators on free tickets.


AFL around the world
You do a brilliant job. No matter where in the world I have to travel for work I always receive a lot of enjoyment from reading the well-written articles on Please give my congratulations to all of your staff. You guys do an amazing job. Keep it up.

Read the fine print
For the record, I thought the article was to the point and that is where the AFL is at, it is unfortunate if Tom Scully goes, I guess you could say it is just bad timing  for Melbourne that they lose him if he in fact goes.

I enjoy looking at the AFL website and reading the latest news.

My late brother Greg Lange was an exceptionally fair person and a damn good writer, and I am sure he would have seen nothing wrong with Jason Phelan's article.

I laugh that people have criticised Jason's article, they are quite clearly too sensitive and if they cannot read fine print then they should go see the optometrist.

Keep up the good work and don't back down just because of a few goody-two-shoes readers.

Kevin Lange

A refreshing change
I have been a fairly regular reader of the AFL website for a few years. I have noticed the articles are "bland".  I accepted that this is an arm of the AFL, and was happy to consume this information with this in mind.

Your explanation of the present editorial situation of the AFL website was of interest to me. Normally I take no notice of the writer of any article on the website because it is all seems to be from the same basic source. This year, for the first time I found two articles which were written in a much more prosaic and personally insightful style, vastly different in tone than I had become accustomed to.

Hence, I knew something seemed to have changed with the website this year. Your information in the article today confirms that I, for one, welcome it. I feel you are tracking the right direction and I find it refreshing.

Kevin Brown

Opinion is opinion
I thought Jason's article was well written and did exactly what it was proposed to do, draw attention to the situation and make people think about it from their own point of view.

An opinion piece is exactly that, opinion. If people are saying that the AFL site is losing credibility over a particular journalists opinion then that is their opinion and one that I disagree with.

Let the real footy begin so people have something better to argue about!


Spin pure and simple
The original article was spin, it was propaganda to push the AFL's agenda. Your follow up was even worse, and for me, you and the AFL website have lost all credibility.
In your article you say, he debated the rights and wrongs of a potential (and unconfirmed) move of Tom Scully from Melbourne to Greater Western Sydney. He did not do this, and to say otherwise is pure spin. The original article was a firm opinion on the issue, no debate, no wrongs, a straight one sided opinion.
Interesting that you choose to use the word spin, because that is exactly what your article was.

Not poor form at all
I read the article and certainly appreciated the opinion piece. I never thought this is poor form by the AFL and/or website - it may have helped that I agreed with the article, but my point remains valid.
I do commend you on the piece today. Appeared to fairly address all concerns and outline exactly what's going on at, well done.