THE Girl Power Program has kicked off for 2010 with the Power heading out to both St Joseph’s PS and Hampstead PS.

This is the 3rd year that Girl Power has been running and is set to be bigger and better than ever. The program is targeted at female upper primary and high school students, aged 12-16 years of age.

The Program is delivered by PAFC staff and Power/Thunderbird players and SANFL development officers over a three week period educating and promoting educational messages about self esteem, positive body image, goal setting and roles models, health and well being and skill development.

Thunderbird Beth Shimmin has had a real buzz getting out and speaking to the students and teachers over the past week.

“Its been fantastic to be able to get into the schools, especially the female demographic and really act as a positive role model for young girls/women” Shimmin said

“It’s really important, especially in today’s society to address key issues on healthy lifestyles, self esteem and most importantly body image”

Even the schools have found the program beneficial and breath of fresh air for some.

“The girls were really positive and really enjoyed the session and we all thought it was very beneficial. The topics were good, relevant and useful. Especially the body image and the news report” from Hampstead PS

The Girl Power Program is one of many positive initiatives the Community Department offers.

For more information on the Girl Power Program or if your school is interested in hosting PAFC, contact Natascia Crisci, Community Development Coordinator on 8447 9970 or via email or log on to