The Eagles last weekend celebrated Christmas the only way they know how: on the west coast.

Hosted by Salt on the Beach, the Christmas party welcomed the families of players, coaches and staff, as well as directors, past players and family friends in a function brimming with festive cheer.

Click here for a gallery of photos from this event.

Chief executive Trevor Nisbett welcomed the 200-odd Eagles to the stunning venue before paying tribute to club statistician Mick Gordon for 20 years of service.

After an inspiring speech to the assembled guests, senior coach John Worsfold pulled a few strings and arranged for a special visit from Father Christmas himself.

Jolly old Saint Nick entertained the young and old alike, including midfielder Patrick McGinnity and rookie Anton Hamp. The boys took the opportunity to ask Santa for new footy boots and an elevation to the senior list.

On this warm summer’s afternoon, the traditional Christmas fare of turkey and roast vegetables made way for barbequed seafood, salads and ice-cream cones.

And as the sun went down, guests took advantage of the venue’s proximity to the beach and went for a late afternoon dip in the ocean.