Eight weeks off… that is what the boys will enjoy now that our season has ended.

For all it is an opportunity to give the body a rest after what has been a grueling season that started all the way back in November 2003. Some of us travel, spend time with family and for others, it is an opportunity to get a head start and do that little bit of extra training to assist them for senior selection or to get the body right.

For me it is all of the above. I sometimes feel that I need a rest after the off-season break, which is a break from the daily grind of AFL football.

Even though we are on holidays, there are events that we have still attended such as the Malcolm Sargent Quiz Night, which was a successful night in raising money for our number one charity.

It was also a night of great satisfaction for Jason Saddington, Jarrad Sunqvist, Lewis Roberts-Thomson and I.

I had been asked to organise a table of ten to represent us on the night, difficult to do as players were on their break. I had a few players pull out on the night so it was left to us four to take on Sydney’s smartest.

Our task was made much more difficult when Jason and I were auctioned off for the first round, the category of the questions being sport. The other two were left to hold up the fort.

After the first round, much to all of our amazement we finished seventh out of seventy one tables, a great effort and could have been higher as some of the unanswered questions by the boys were ones that Jason I did know, not to worry!

Round two and us boys were reunited. Music and entertainment the category, not any real music or movie lovers at the table but we battle through to hold down ninth place.

The general knowledge category was maybe our weakest link and the last round of questions. In fact it could have almost been our strongest as at least one person knew the answer. Unfortunately it wasn’t always written down and Sunny also wrote questions in the wrong place. Not to harp on that any further, we finished 30th and I think dispelled a few myths that footballers, at least AFL footballers, are not all brawn no brains.

Jason Saddington and I also attended a Corporate Golf Day where we both saw plenty of the course. He went down one side of the course while I followed the line of the trees on the other side! At least our group forgave us for our poor play by the end of the day.

I have had brief visits to both Adelaide and Melbourne to catch up with family and to attend the Grand Final before arriving back home in Sydney to attend our Best and Fairest Night at the Westin Hotel.

Another great night which saw Barry Hall win the ‘Bob Skilton Medal’, voted the best player of the year. A much deserved winner who in my opinion should have polled better in the Brownlow than he did.

I was also very humbled to receive Life Membership of the club for my 150th game achievement. What made it so special was whom I received it with. Matthew Nicks and Leo Barry- two current champions at the club received it with me as well as former and team of the century players, Gerard Healy, Tony Lockett, Greg Williams and Billy Williams.

Jack Boucher who is at most training sessions to help the boys, running water and getting us whatever it is we need, also received Life Membership along with my great friend Wally Jackson, whom we lost during the season. Miss you mate. As I said at the start, an honour to be joining the Life Membership club with these men. Congratulations to all the other award winners on the night.

I am very excited about the next couple of weeks as I start my travels and go overseas. Jude Bolton, Craig Bolton, Brett Kirk and I have been given the honour to represent Australia in the International Rules held in Ireland.

I had the time of my life when playing here in Australia last year and I look forward to the challenge of playing the Irish on their home turf. I will attempt to keep a diary of our time away sharing with you an insight into an Australian team tour, I hope you enjoy!