Terms & Conditions

  • Group offer is only available for the Hall of Fame tribute match, Saturday 10 May 2008.
  • Organisations are eligible to purchase one allocation of group tickets at the Community Group Rate.
  • Groups must purchase the entire 50 tickets.  The allocation cannot be increased or decreased.
  • Tickets may be re-sold or used for advertising, promotions or competitions to raise money for the Community Group, subject to written AFL approval
  • Registrations will open at 11am on Wednesday 2 April 2008 and close at 5pm Wednesday 23 April 2008.
  • To enter, groups will be required to log on to the 150 years website (150years.com.au) during the Registration Period, click onto the “Tribute Match” section then click through to the dedicated “Group Ticket Offer” page. Once there they will be required to register their details including name, address, contact number, email address, group) and tell us in 150 words or less “how your Community Group would utilise 50 tickets to the Hall of Fame tribute match and why you want to attend?”
  • Incomplete or incomprehensible entries (whichever is applicable) will not be eligible and will be disqualified. The AFL reserves the right to disqualify any entry which in the opinion of the AFL includes any content which may be unlawful, profane, inflammatory, defamatory and/or damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the AFL.
  • The AFL will contact all entrants via email to advise the outcome of each registration and to collect payment for successful applications.
  • Tickets will not be secured or issued until payment is complete and funds cleared. Payment for tickets can be made by cheque, Visa or MasterCard.
  • Eligibility for ticket offer and issuing of all tickets is at the discretion of the AFL. The 150 most original/imaginative/beneficial entries (determined at the AFL’s sole discretion) will be provided with the opportunity to purchase 50 tickets at the discount group price.
  • The following will not be considered eligible Community Groups and are ineligible to enter: ticket re-sellers; organisations which provide marketing, promotion and/or entertainment services; corporate clubs/societies; and any organisation which competes with an AFL sponsor.
  • AFL may contact your Community Group in order to make further enquiries as to the eligibility of the Community Group.
  • All decisions and actions of the AFL relating to the ticket offer and/or the purchase of group tickets are exercised according its absolute discretion and are final. No discussions or correspondence with entrants or any other person will be entered into.