- A club may exchange a player or players on its primary list for a player or players on the primary list of another club

- A club may exchange a player or players on its primary list for the draft selection or draft selections of another club

- A club may exchange a player or players on its primary list for a combination of a player, players, draft selection or draft selections of another club

- A club may exchange a draft selection or draft selections for a draft selection or draft selections of another club

- A club cannot on-trade a player received in any exchange until the following year

- A club may exchange a draft selection it has received from another club, provided that the selection is not traded directly back to that club

- Where the exchange of a player(s) and draft selection(s) involves more than two clubs, it is not a requirement that each club involved in the transaction make an exchange between each other

- Any draft selection received in an exchange does not need to be exercised. However, any club that passes on a draft selection shall be excluded from exercising any remaining selections at that same meeting